Aspect Ratio

9 years ago

Hi, I have noticed others talking about this. Please can you tell me where in tagul is the aspect ration button to resize images, thanks

9 years ago


first of all you need to consider aspect ration talks only if you want to create a cloud in a rectangular shape with custom dimensions. It may be needed if you want a cloud to be printed on a specific paper without margins or be placed on a website inside a container with predefined dimensions.

To achieve this you need to select square shape in Shapes section and click on the gear icon at the bottom right corner of square shape. Then specify the ratio you need by using the appropriate slider (you can use arrow keys to fine tune it), click OK and visualize your cloud.

Don't hesitate to contact support should you have any questions.

9 years ago

Hi Alex, thanks for that. I did find it in the end. I did notice that is isn't possible to do this with custom images though. Is it just a case of resizing when printing for these? Thank you. It is the 8 x 10 I am interested in.

9 years ago

Hi, also I wanted to check when I am editing in expansion mode (which is fantastic btw the colour is not enabled so I am not able to edit any colours. I can only do this when editing whilst not in expansion. Are you aware of this?

9 years ago

MACY1969, you need to select a word to be able to change its color. Does it work when you select a word?

9 years ago

Hi Alex, no, it lets me select the word and move it which is great but when I try to select a colour it doesn't work. I have to go back into normal mode to change any colours.

9 years ago

Could you please send me the text you see at to allow me to understand what software you use?

9 years ago

Hi Alex, it is : You are using Firefox 38.0 on Windows 8.1
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0


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