Printing on A4 Sheet

9 years ago

I have recently joined your fabulous site and was wandering why my images when printed are not in the centre of the page. I have printed direct from site and saved image but both ways gives me the same print. The image once I press visualize has a faint box around it . Please can you advise me, Thank you

9 years ago

I think the best way to print your cloud is to save it as PNG file and then print with image editing software that allows image positioning when printing.

For example GIMP allows you to position an image when printing in Image Settings tab.

9 years ago

Ok Alex will give it a try. Thank you

9 years ago

Hi Alex
I am still struggling with this box around the image so is doesn't print in the centre of the page. I have tried saving as png and printing on photo gallery but I don't get High Resolution when I save as png on printing....Please help its so frustrating. There is a definite box around every image I make???


9 years ago

Hi Verity303,

as far as I understand you have 2 problems:

I have tried saving as png and printing on photo gallery but I don't get High Resolution

Please try saving in 16MP PNG format. Is that resolution enough for you?

There is a definite box around every image I make

It is not quite clear for me what you mean under "definite box" around every image. Could you please make a photo/screenshot of that and send to support email so I could understand what is wrong?


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