Embedding is now back

Dear Tagul users!

Glad to announce that embedding functionality is finally back!
It was the final step in migrating from Flash to HTML5 and now there is absolutely no Flash in Tagul.

If you earlier embedded your cloud in Flash then I strongly recommend you to update your web page with new (pure HTML5) code. The old flash code is not supported from now on.


Comments (7)

  • sueswilson 10 years ago #

    is there any way to imbed the cloud with the rollover highlight functions into a powerpoint presentation?

    • Alex 10 years ago #

      I don't think so

  • craigp79 10 years ago #

    is there anyway you can make a cloud and add a photo on the side

  • wibou44 10 years ago #

    Hi there,

    Still have the same update problem. I am not a good practicer so what are the steps to update to "pure html 5", please ?

    thank you

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