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14 years ago


As time goes by, selecting a tag could lead to a large set of results. Hence, it would be great if one could select several tags and combine them in his/her search.

The way to allow this kind of interaction is yet to define (hold left mouse for a few seconds, start dragging the tag would make a floating "basket" appear, right-click on the tag, ... )

Best regards,

14 years ago

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your support!
I've put a link to Tagul, I hope you don't mind.

Best regards,

14 years ago


I embed the tag cloud in my blog where it fits in a narrow (180px) pane. Hence, it would be very useful to be able to specify a scaling factor so that the rollover makes it easy to read the smallest labels.

Best regards,

14 years ago

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your quick reply!
I managed to make it work with the API xml of yours. ;-)

Thanks again.

Best regards,

14 years ago

It would be useful to add a select/unselect all chechbox for the fonts (especially if more fonts are coming).

Best regards,

14 years ago


I tried to use Tagul on the RSS feed from my blog ( but it seems to parse all the text and not only tags (Tagul should only consider <category> tag of the RSS feed, shouldn't it?).
As a result, I got a sheer number of tags (644) whereas I should have only 17 or so.

Got to "warn" you, it's a French blog so apostrophe... might cause Tagul a little problem?

Any similar issue?

Thanks in advance.
Best regards,