All posts created by moggers11

7 months ago
Great thanks
7 months ago
Hi Alex
when I design an image and try to name if for my download it renames the actual origianal image and not the individual design, so when I try to search for the original image name its not there as it has been renamed, is there a way round this now you have changed the set up as If I have to save as new every time that will be hundreds of designs
9 months ago
Hi I was
having issues with the payment yesterday and it has gone through twice,
can you refund me for one, I have sent you a private message
3 years ago
Thanks thats great, it is working normal again now thanks for fixing
3 years ago
Hi when I save an image to PDF now the image is too big to print in A4 size , I have never had this issue before, has the size of the download changed now as its too big ?
6 years ago
NO need to reply I have found it
6 years ago
HI I am struggling with the rotating colours option how do I do this, where is the palette button to click on ?
8 years ago
I know that and the slider is moved to zero on all my clouds that I have but the is an outline around the shape with words on that looks stupid
8 years ago
I have noticed that i am getting an outline around som e of my shapes that i have been using for ages with no problem, now when I visualise them they have an outline of words around them, is there a fix for this?
8 years ago
I have sent the words to support