All posts created by Markus333

6 months ago
Perfect - thank you!
6 months ago
Thank you for the friendly offer, Alex. I would like to delete the files myself, however, as we also have older files that we still need. Unfortunately, I haven't sorted them so nicely that we can simply delete them by date. smile
7 months ago
At the moment we have a message telling us to delete files because we are reaching the limit of possible designs. Unfortunately, the view makes it very tedious to delete a lot of files. It would be great if we could change the view to list so that we could delete a lot of files at once by date. As it is now, it is almost impossible for us to do that.
1 year ago
It would be very helpful, if we could turn the grid on/off.
With some layouts it is extremely annoying.
1 year ago
Same here!!!
2 years ago
Thank you, now everything is fine.
2 years ago
There seems to have been an update. Now I am no longer able to load saved Word Art files. It stays at 100% and nothing happens.
7 years ago
Thank you, i didn't expect, that the sales receipt comes from paddle.
7 years ago
Hi Alex,

i didn't receive an invoice this time. Normally it was sent via email.
7 years ago
Hello Alex,

thank you - that solved the problem!