All posts created by Andy2718

6 years ago
OK, that worked. Thank you, you've been very helpful.
6 years ago
Dear Alex,
Thank you. I've done that - I just have two saved files, one right and one left. They are halves of a Buddha image, with a kind of spire on the top of the head, and that may have something to do with it. I would like to keep that if possible, and for that reason, I didn't make any tests if the problem persists if I cup the spire off. But I could make such tests.
6 years ago
I've uploaded a shape. The left side is irregular, the right side is a vertical straight line. WordArt won't fill all the way to the right, ie there is a vertical strip margin on the right. But if I upload the mirror image, that is now the left side is a vertical line and the right side is irregular, it fills all the way across left to right with no margin anywhere. Is there a way to prevent this?
6 years ago
Is there a way to make WordArt re-visualise with the same words and settings, but with a new, randomly different layout? Reset doesn't seem to do it.

I'm trying to fill a particular shape and a particular word gets featured in the wrong place. I'd like to be able to just press "randomise" and have it re-do things over and over until the un-wanted word is less featured. (No I can't just take that word out, it is needed, just not in the place it is on.)
Many thanks