All posts created by Alex

10 years ago

First of all please try pressing CTRL+F5 once you opened Tagul generator to make sure you have the latest version.

There is no green plus because I changed it to "click here to add your shape" due to complaints I got (users didn't understand where to click to add new shape).

Clicking on the text should open image file selection dialog.
If it doesn't show up please advise what is your operating system and browser with versions. I'll check it.

10 years ago

There is no way to change width/height manually. But you don't need to. In Grab and Share section you can save PNG images with different quality from 0,5 MegaPixels to 16 MegaPixels. Please try saving 16MP and check out the quality.

10 years ago

Cheryl, I've answered you by email. Duplicating the answer here:

Could you please check Downloads folder? You browser most likely save clouds there without asking you.

If it is not there please send me your operating system and browser info with versions.
In the meantime you could try another browser like Chrome or Firefox.

10 years ago

I got your point regarding color picker. At the moment the only way to select the same color is to copy&paste its code. I agree it is less convenient that it was before and I'll think how to improve it in future.

Regarding repeating the biggest word. I think this should be fixed now (no words are repeated with the same font, color, angles). Please press CTRL+F5 to completely refresh the page after you open Tagul generator to get the latest version and check it out.

10 years ago

Fixed. Please open Tagul generator and press CTRL+F5 (CMD+R for Safari) to completely reload the page and then try again.

10 years ago

If you are using Safari on Apple Mac please press Cmd+R to completely reload the generator page.

Also you can try another browser like Firefox or Chrome.

10 years ago

Open any image editor (MS Paint for example) and write the desired name with black font on white background. Save that image and add it as a shape in Tagul generator.

10 years ago

@shelleyj, just tried importing the text you provided and it worked fine. Could you please press CTRL+F5 when you open Tagul Generator to clear your browser cache and load the latest version and try again.

10 years ago

What is your operating system and browser (with versions)?

10 years ago

Let's not mix up relative sizes and words duplication which is controlled by "Words amount" checkboxes and slider. Relative sizes has nothing to do with duplication. To make a word/phrase to be the biggest in cloud you need to assign the highest weight/size to it in Words table and make sure that "Keep as is" or "Maximize" is selected for "Words relative size" in Layout section.

Regarding color choice menu. To be honest I don't understand your problem. Color menu works the same way it worked in the old version. Could you please elaborate what you meant under "select the same color repeatedly"?