All posts created by Alex

9 years ago

MACY1969, you need to select a word to be able to change its color. Does it work when you select a word?

9 years ago

Ines, in order to allow me to understand the problem better could you please press cancel, save the cloud and advise its name?

9 years ago


first of all you need to consider aspect ration talks only if you want to create a cloud in a rectangular shape with custom dimensions. It may be needed if you want a cloud to be printed on a specific paper without margins or be placed on a website inside a container with predefined dimensions.

To achieve this you need to select square shape in Shapes section and click on the gear icon at the bottom right corner of square shape. Then specify the ratio you need by using the appropriate slider (you can use arrow keys to fine tune it), click OK and visualize your cloud.

Don't hesitate to contact support should you have any questions.

9 years ago

Hi, could you please press cancel, save the cloud and advise its name so I could see what is wrong?

9 years ago

Hi Andrea,

I've prepared a Minion image for you.
Go to Shapes section, click on the first tile and copy and paste the link below to add it as your cloud shape:

9 years ago

Not sure I understand your problem but did you click Visualize button at the top right corner of the form?

9 years ago

I see. Do the below (in addition to what I wrote above) when importing the image:

1) Reduce colors to the lowest satisfactory value (e.g. make it minimum as possible but still keeping colored image you want"
2) Enable "Draw borders between colors" checkbox
3) Click OK and Visualize your cloud

Is it better now?

9 years ago


I've looked at your cloud and the problem is that the motorbike image you used has too many small lines that are hard to reproduce by words.

Here what you can do:
1) Increase the amount of words in Layout section to 999 (you did it)
2) Use more condensed font like Simple Slum G Regular or Headline One
3) Find another motorbike image that has less small details

9 years ago

Hi Heather,

that can be done if you export your cloud in EPS format.
Then print it with Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape and you should get a good quality image (not fuzzy or blurry).
That is because EPS is a vector format that can be scaled infinitely when printed.

9 years ago

Hi Kathleen,

could you please:

1) Click cancel, save the cloud and advise its name
2) Go to and advise the text you see there

I'll look into this when you provide the details above.