Re positoned words distorted in cloud

8 years ago
Hi Alex, I am having a problem with one of my clouds. I am using various fonts to create it. There are 3 words that I am trying to re-position and when I move them the words become distorted. I am using a particular font (pacifio regular) which I use a lot without any problems. It is hard to explain and I would need to let you know the cloud name and the words I am trying to re-position for you to understand what is happening. When you pick this message up please let me know and I will email the cloud name across to you at support and let you know the words that are causing me a problem smile
8 years ago
Please email the cloud name so I could check
8 years ago
Hi Alex, thanks for getting back to me. I seem to have resolved it by deleting all the words and inputting again. Will let you know if it happens again smile


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