Custom Shapes stopped working

9 years ago

As soon we add a custom shape it shows a cropped version of the shape and nothing else in the popup window. We have been using Tagul for a long time now and this is the 1st time this has happened. We tried it in Firefox and Chrome and on 2 different work computers so we assume that it is software related.

Hopefully you can resolve this soon so we can process some orders.



9 years ago

Hi Rob,

could you please send to support email:

1) Image you use as your custom shape
2) A screenshot of "a cropped version of the shape and nothing else in the popup window"

Then I'll investigate the problem.

9 years ago

email sent


9 years ago

Same here.

9 years ago

Same thing is happening for me as well!

9 years ago

The issue should be fixed now.
Could you please try again?

9 years ago


Am also having issues with shapes at the moment. Additionally, am not able to save current cloud.


9 years ago

Also having trouble. Could not customize the square shape. Reloaded page. Now cannot access any shape.

9 years ago

The issue should be fixed now. Could you please try again?


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