Tagul not working

10 years ago

Hi i have been trying to do some designs on and off all day 13/1/15 and when i got home from work at 12.30am on 14/1/15 and its not working. When you go to process the design, the little box pops up as it always does but that is all. I really need this to work by tomorrow as i have a design i must do by lunchtime. Can you please look into it. Thank you

10 years ago

Its still not working, can someone have a look please. It just stays on the preparing load box and thats it. Nothing then happens. Thank you

10 years ago

Hi Emma,

I've responded to you by email.

10 years ago

od wczoraj Tagul nie działa chciałam się zapytać dlaczego nie można tworzyć nowych chmur z wyrazów

10 years ago

Hello from 2 days did not want to design a program works and words cloud with a small window pops vizulizacij white and nothing happens .Please help thanks

10 years ago


could you please send to support the text you see at http://whichbrowser.net so I could understand what browser and OS you use?

9 years ago

It doesn't work today or it's just me?

9 years ago

ricochet64, it should work. Could you advise what exactly is not working and what text you see at http://whichbrowser.net/?

9 years ago

It works now Alex ;)

9 years ago

can someone help, I'm getting the following error message
Socket error: [Errno 111] Connection refused!

what does this mean?



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