Just Flash Icon

10 years ago

When I embed my cloud
using the provided html I just get the Adobe Flash Icon

At the moment my link on
is too clunky as I want the functionality insitu

Also I would like to control the background colour of "the shape" separate from the background colour between the shape and the edge of the bounding box - possible?

Cheers - Mike

10 years ago

managed to fix that by changing the size of the bounding box.

now getting:
alidation error!
Error 1871: Element 'tags': Missing child element(s). Expected is ( tag ). On line 194

Can you assist?

10 years ago

Hi Michael. I've looked your link http://www.waihekegrouptransport.co.nz/page.php?pid=4&action=preview&menu=main and it seems that embedding code is changed somehow. Flash icon should be inside the second object tag and then it will be displayed only in case no flash/svg support exists in a browser. In your case it is placed outside the first object tag so it is displayed always.

Regarding validation error. It looks like the Tags List section is empty while you are trying to visualize your cloud. Probably tags were not saved due to a bug I've fixed recently. So could you please switch to "Get tags from URL" or "Get tags from text" tab depending on what you used as your tags source. Then click visualize button and your tags list will be automatically populated. Don't forget to save your cloud to save your tags list.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


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