Internal socket error!!!!!!!

12 years ago

This needs sorting now. A word cloud site that won't create word clouds has a big problem.

12 years ago

I keep getting the same error! very frustrating...

12 years ago

Keep getting this message Any Ideas?

11 years ago

Signed up to give it a try but get the same error in multiple browsers (on a Mac).

11 years ago

"The cloud is being processed" problem. The clouds do not get updated! Help.

11 years ago

There were technical problems that are solved now.

11 years ago


I'm getting the Internal socket error. Please could you advise on how to rectify please, this is a brilliant program

11 years ago

Help. It's happening to me too.

I really need your help on how to stop it.

I love your this though :)

11 years ago

Getting same error (Internal socket error)!

11 years ago

Getting the same error. Part of the problem with a Beta service. Just have to wait until they resolve it.


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