Font Weighting Not Working?

12 years ago

What is going on with the font weighting? It doesn't even seem to be close to working. I had made some word clouds several months ago and the font weighting seemed to work correctly at the time. I went back to one of the clouds and added a few more words. When I updated the cloud, all the weighting seems off. Did something change? I can't seem to get it to work like it used to.

12 years ago

I've changed the algorithm that produces better shape but doesn't accurately respect tags weights. I see that it is an issue for many users so I am going to adjust it to handle tags weights better.

12 years ago

Thanks for the info. I can understand some reasons for the change in algorithm (better shape), but in my opinion, the side effects so far really hurt the product compared to before... at least for how I want to create word clouds.

Maybe you could have a checkbox if users want to make algorithm adhere more strictly to shape or to font weight. Just an idea. Thanks for all the work/time.

12 years ago

Just checking to see if there is a timeline for a fix to handle the tag weights better? Also a more random re-visualize if the first result doesn't work. Both of these issues used to work better before the algorithm changes.

No pressure... I appreciate the hard work put into a good product. I'm just curious if there is a timeline for fixes as the current state is way less useful for me.


12 years ago

Hi Mattuck!

There is a timeline for that fix. It is March (this year) I hope :)

12 years ago


I've implemented this feature back :) If you wish to get original tags weighting just select "keep as is" check box for "Tags relative size" in Appearence section.

12 years ago

Hi Alex,
Have you really implemented this feature ? I don't see "Tags relative size" option in Appearance section. The Appearance section ends with "Tags amount" option.

12 years ago

Hi Alex,
Now I see this new option, but it is only visible in IE, in Firefox it doesn't exists.

12 years ago

It doesn't exist in IE just because browser cache is old. Try refreshing your page with ctrl-f5 and it should be working fine.

12 years ago

Cool... it looks great so far. Thanks!


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