Transparent background

1 year ago
I have selected transparent background and I am still getting a grayish box behind my wordart. I would like it to be white or really transparent. Any suggestions on how to make this happen?
1 year ago
Hi, it may be the background image. Please set the "background image" slider to zero to remove it.
10 months ago
We used to be able to make transparent background but w/ the changes in summer 2023 none of my images are transparent anymore. What happened? What can I do to make it happen again? This is a favorite feature of the app.
Edited 17 Sep, 2023 04:19
10 months ago
There were no changes regarding the transparent background in the summer of 2023. To make the background completely transparent, click the "make transparent" button and set the "background image" slider to zero in the Style section.
9 months ago
I have an issue where I achieved a transparent background, but the letters/art is also transparent. Where do I need to adjust this so only the background is transparent?
9 months ago
Try setting the "color emphasis" slider to zero in the Style section to remove transparency from words.
9 months ago
Hi, Alex. I think that feature may be missing in this latest software version. I’m unable to select that.
9 months ago
It's there in the Style section under the "Colors" option.


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