
6 years ago
Why Can't I print direct my reation
6 years ago
You should be able to print your word art directly by clicking on the print button. If it doesn't work I recommend you to download your word art image in PNG format (from the "Download and Share" section) and then print it as any other image or picture.
6 years ago
why cant I make the picture larger? its quite small coming out of printer
6 years ago
Georgie, please download your word art image in png format and then print it add any other image or picture. Your image printing software should allow you to resize and position image before printing. If it doesn't please try GIMP image editor.
6 years ago
Hiya, I have tried everything and still cannot print out my picture. i have downloaded and tried printing that way and not working and there isnt a fault with my printer either as its rinting other things.
6 years ago
Cherry.Treadwell, can you print any other image or picture that is not related to word art?


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