Numbers in word clouds

12 years ago

In the gallery, for example 'Sale' there are numbers appearing in the word cloud, but when I include numbers they are stripped (or at least they don't appear). I have looked through the forum, FAQ and searched for 'numbers', 'digits', 'numerals' and nothing came up. Have I overlooked something?

What do I need to do?


BTW Tagul is excellent!

12 years ago

Numbers are cut off when you use text and url as your tags source.
But you can add numbers to words (or add words with numbers) on "manually edit tags" tab in "Tags source" section.

12 years ago


10 years ago

I am recently new to this. How do i add numbers to my cloud? I do not understand the reply/answer.

10 years ago

The name of tab has been changed. You can add numbers in "Tags source" section "List of tags" tab. Just edit any tag/word and add numbers.

10 years ago

BTW I suggest you using this method


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