How to change the username?

8 months ago
Can you make more tutorials please!smile and by the way I love WORD ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and on other thing how do I change my name,and I don't think I can because 211580 is my computer number so yah

8 months ago
Please get in touch with support and advise what username you would like to have, and I'll change it for you.
8 months ago
how do I do that?
and I would like it to be just Vera please.
and the reason I didn't get back to you sooner is because I was fast asleep.
Edited 03 Nov, 2023 12:10
8 months ago
"Vera" is already taken. Please come up with another username.
8 months ago
hmm maybe Swift_Fox (thats my favorite one)
8 months ago
Ok. Your username has been changed from '211580.1' to 'Swift_Fox'
8 months ago
Thank you ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smile


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