How do you edit?!

6 years ago
I've imported all my words but how do I then 'add' them to the shape/font etc. I've chosen? Thanks.
Edited 25 Aug, 2017 14:34
6 years ago
Did you click the big visualize button at the top right corner? Does it solve your problem?
6 years ago
Why does visualize take so long - I am hung up in a circle of death for 5 minutes!
6 years ago
The visualization should take 5-30 seconds. If it doesn't please click cancel, save your word art and advise its name, so I could check what is wrong there.
6 years ago
I'm clicking visualise and nothing is happening, its not adding the new words I've put in my word list, what am I doing wrong?
6 years ago
It may be a browser issue. Could you please try to visualize in Chrome or Firefox?
6 years ago
Some of the words are so small I cannot select them. What should the setting be on the size column to prevent this from happening?
6 years ago
You can select only 100 biggest words. It is done for performance reasons as otherwise the edit mode will be too slow.


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