
11 months ago
Is there a way to embed on a website so that I can like to the live feature? I'd like the artifact in the student portfolio to be embedded and have a like to show the "live" feature where you click on a word to see it better.
11 months ago
Hi, you can embed your word art on a web page by following the instructions from the "Share -> Embed on a webpage" menu.
11 months ago
I have used the Share > Embed on a webpage, however the links I have added to my words do not function on my website.
Any way of getting the words to click through to my links when embedded on another site?
11 months ago
Is there an update code to embed? I see the blog post "Embedding with flash" Posted by Word on Nov. 25, 2014
11 months ago
Hi Ksadler1979,

I have used the Share > Embed on a webpage, however the links I have added to my words do not function on my website.
After adding the links, you must visualize your word art for the changes to take effect. Then, save it and click the update button in the "Share -> Embed on a web page" dialog to update it on your website.

I see the blog post "Embedding with flash" Posted by Word on Nov. 25, 2014
It is obsolete. Flash embedding isn't supported anymore.


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