Can't load Words

7 years ago
Maybe we are all having the same issue! Clearly something is wrong. Hopefully we will get a resolution VERY soon!
7 years ago
My husband thinks it is something to do with the JAVA not being supported by the new google chrome.. he said try firefox but wanted to ask what web browsers you are using? Very annoyed it isn't workingsmile
7 years ago
im on chrome - just fyi
7 years ago
Just tried firefox and it doesn't work there either.
7 years ago
they need to fix this asap:smilesmile
7 years ago
i sent an email, as i'm sure everyone else has as well.
7 years ago
I had it working just this morning and it stopped sometime today
7 years ago
I'm just getting a white page.
7 years ago
I have to use this site for school. the perfect time to have an issue…smile
7 years ago
Thanks Lara & JDwords - at least I know its not just the browser problem and the site itself (and you saved me downloading and installing another web browser by replying!) page still not loading for me, and Yes I have sent an email to them explaining the problems I am experiencing.

Thanks again Still very smile and frustrated as I had some orders that I needed to print out today for processing and delivery tomorrow!! Doesn't help that this sire is no longer working.


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