Can't get graphic back to terrific layout

9 years ago

Can you help me? I made a magnificent Tagul and the people flipped. After making some minor changes to it - it changed and I can't get it back to the way it was. I'd like to attach the original graphic to this message so you can see what I mean. Does anyone know how i can get it back to the original layout. It has to do with the words and the way the program randomly puts them across the page, the sequence and the size which changes every time I visualize it.

9 years ago

Andrea, you can send the original graphic to support email so I could see it.

If you have some randomizations (like random fonts, angles) then every time you Visualize your cloud it will look differently.

If you liked some design then just click "Save" button and then you may continue experimenting. If you want to revert your cloud back then just reload the page.

At the moment the best you can do is try visualizing till you find the acceptable word placement.


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