Tagul cloud in Google Sites

14 years ago

It looks like it is not obvious how to embed any kind of Flash app inside of Google Sites. The recommended model is to create a Google Gadget, which can contain flash, and then this can be embedded.

If Tagul can create a Google Gadget and have it publicly available that would be great!

(PS: Tags - comma seperated - wrong spelling of separated)

14 years ago

Thank you for your idea! I'll look at it on the weekend.

P.S. Where did you find the "seperated" word, I can't find it :)

14 years ago

Hi Alex,
I have to agree with the others, you have made some very goodlooking stuff here :-).
As for the "seperated", you can see it at the bottom in the "reply" box, right underneath where I am writing this comment.
Best, Jens (from Denmark)

14 years ago


Is there any update on the use of Tagul in combination with google sites? Is there a dedicated gadget?

I still have the problem that the results of clicking a link in the word cloud can not escape the gadget, i.e. target=new doesn't work.


13 years ago

Hi, i just found a solution.

Just copy & paste in your blog the final example at:


Replace the value in id: "test@test" for your cloud id example id: "mycloud@1"

And erase all the line jumps so it doesn't appears to low on the screen.

You can see the results in my blog:


13 years ago

I have a blogspot post.

I tried the solution above; the code for the 'head' entered by going to 'design | edit html' and putting it in the 'head' section of the template, and the code for the 'body' entered in the html for the post that i have added.

Every time i save the template (where the 'head' section is it converts the " to " and no cloud is visible. Please help!

13 years ago

With the solution above, you don't need to change the template. Is only necessary to create a HTML widget with blogger, and paste the code:

<div align="center"><script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/swfobject/2.1/swfobject.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> swfobject.embedSWF("http://cdn.tagul.com/cloud.swf", "myCloud", "190px", "350px", "10.0.0", "http://cdn.tagul.com/expressInstall.swf", {id: "14596@1"}, {allowscriptaccess: "always"}); </script></div><div id="myCloud"><p><img
src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></img

... changing the id and the size to the appropiate.

13 years ago

@glomayol thank for your explanations

12 years ago

I don't understand the explanation. I have just tried to embed a cloud into a Google Site and a big white box with N/A appears when I save. Could anyone provide step-by-step instructions for luddites like me? Much appreciated.


12 years ago

Did you save your cloud before embedding? You can check it by clicking on embedding example on (on the bottom of "Grab & Share"->"Place on a web page" section).

Also could you please embed your cloud and send me a link to it so I could see what is wrong.


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