Can people make there own tutorials?

8 months ago
Hi,I was wondering if you or others people can make tutorials.I think you could see all the ones people post and you can pick the good ones and then be on display like your's so maybe that could happen if you wanted?😬
Edited 07 Nov, 2023 12:30
8 months ago
Edited 09 Nov, 2023 12:47
8 months ago
HI, you can make your tutorial and place it on your YouTube channel.
8 months ago
i don't have a YouTube channel sorry
8 months ago
is there another way to do it like screen video and then place it on the tutorials section
8 months ago
There is no other way, unfortunately. On the tutorial page, we post videos produced by ourselves only.
8 months ago
oh ok well thank you anywaysmile
7 months ago
hi again!I was wondering if you could make more tutorials?! I love word art SO MUCH but I want to get inspired more


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