Custom Shapes Disappeared

6 years ago
Hi Alex, custom shapes appear to have vanished ? smile
6 years ago
I've just checked and you can add a custom shape as before. Could you please elaborate what exactly vanished so I could fix it?
6 years ago
Hi have 3 clouds now that I created this morning using my own shape. Now when I go in to make changes the shape is not there and so when I visualise I am getting a random shape? smile EXAMPLE TEST27JUNE
6 years ago
Ahh, thanks for letting me know. The fix has been just released. Unfortunately it won't get back the custom shapes for the word artworks you created this morning. But I can manually do it if you provide me the artworks names.
Edited 27 Jun, 2018 11:01
6 years ago
I see, I am not sure how many there are but for the 3 I need today I will send the names over in a message to customer support if okay? smile
6 years ago


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