Words repetition

Today some changes to words repetition mechanism has been implemented.

Before all words were repeated by default and every repeated word had random attributes (color, font, angle).
This has been changed. Now you can choose whether to repeat a word or not. Also all repeated words inherit their attributes (color
, angle, font specified in Words table) from the parent word.

To illustrate the changes let's try to build a cloud of 100 words that contains:
1) "Tagul" word repeated only once with green colour and horizontal layout (0 rotation angle)
2) "Word" word repeated many times with grey colour and random layout
3) "Clouds" word repeated many times with blue colour and random layout

Before the changes you couldn't create such a cloud.
But now you can make the following setup in Words section to get the job done:

Simple enough, isn't it?

If you created a cloud before the changes

... and set specific attributes in Words section then you are going to see some difference when you again visualize your cloud. As it was said earlier the difference will occur because of all repeated words inherit attributes from the parent word now while before the attributes were set randomly. To mimic old behaviour you need to make the below changes in words section:

Let's say you have some word with "Bangers Regular" font specified in fonts table.

But you want all repeated words to be in "Briep Medium" font as it is set in Fonts section. Then you need to uncheck "Repeat?" value for that word and add another word with the same text and random attributes.

The latter word will be repeated with random attributes that mimics old behaviour.

Hope you gonna like the changes.
Have fun ;)

Comments (8)

  • Sassy50 10 years ago #

    Fantastic this change will make a big difference thank you

  • webcat 10 years ago #

    I just sent you guys an email of a feature I'd like to see added/updated...the ability to make Multiple changes at once. For instance I have over 100 words, that i would like to size to zero, yet keep one of them sized at 1. As of now I am having to individually double click each word and paste the "0" into the size field, (you will see the video I sent you, horrifying to watch lol) so yea, I would love it if you guys would add that ability, I think it would be very beneficial. Thanks ;)

  • cookie18 9 years ago #

    Hi! I'm still relatively new, can you please explain what the different sizes are? Like what is size 1 compared to size 4? Thanks

    • Alex 9 years ago #

      Word size controls how big this word will be.
      Please make sure you checked "use size column from words table" for "words size" in "Layout" section to make this work.

  • mossadd1 9 years ago #


  • Noma 9 years ago #


    I'm new to word clouds but would love to learn and use them much more. I have a few questions:
    - Does the colour function only work with premium/non free accounts?
    - I made a few clouds but found I could only print one. Is this the way it works or did I go wrong somewhere.
    - Is it possible to save your clould by name and not just by number.

    Thanks a lot. Hope to hear from you soon.

  • kale 9 years ago #

    Still I find that I could´t get this repetition away although I saw this "Check “Keep as is” box for “Words amount” in Layout section.". It didn´t work. I had to do unchecking manually. I imported a wordlist and put an adress in Links pattern and applied it automatically to every line.

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