Is Tagul really free?

Please read this for more information.

The short answer is: yes, while in beta.

You know, it costs money to develop the service and keep it running. I am not a big corporation and certainly cannot do it for charity. So eventually I am forced to monetize Tagul. I don't have the exact monetization strategy by now, but probably it will be some mix between embedded in clouds ads and a paid subscription. Also I have a strong intention to leave it free for non-profit use.

Therefore if you consider using Tagul clouds for your enterprise please be advised.

Comments (2)

  • mhapich 15 years ago #

    This is wonderful - thank you!

    Perhaps you could consider creating an educator category for your users, and allow them to continue to create free Tagul clouds for their class websites and other educational (non-profit) purposes.

    I know that many other wonderful web2.0 tools have gone that direction if you'd like to look into what they did - wikispaces, animoto, and voicethread to name a few. Even free services like glogster and mixbook have educator accounts and sites that are more filtered or more geared toward educators.

    Thanks so much,

  • francoisoulard 12 years ago #

    I think this very nice project should keep a free and open development with voluntary contributions (and crow founding) to allow a long term connection with future semantic projects (iks project for example). Francois

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