By Crazyrainbowlady31 4 years ago
are you having a sibling?
no but I wish I was
you dont have any...?
i have 2 bros one is 2 earsthe other is 7
i am the oldest
im 9
but ill admit they are some times really really really anoying
I can understand that
understand what?
how do you post the word art
you have to go in the top left corner and click menu then privacy then you should see public-private or gallery you hit gallery
I have five siblings im the second youngest
I just turned 11
happy late birthday
Comments (18)
are you having a sibling?
no but I wish I was
you dont have any...?
i have 2 bros
one is 2 ears
the other is 7
i am the oldest
im 9
but ill admit they are some times really really really anoying
I can understand that
understand what?
how do you post the word art
you have to go in the top left corner and click menu then privacy then you should see public-private or gallery you hit gallery
I have five siblings im the second youngest
I just turned 11
happy late birthday