All posts created by nathalie_long

8 years ago

I generally import the cloud into a power point presentation and under page setup change the paper size to A4.

Simple way of doing it. xx

8 years ago


Does anyone have a good image for a bottle of champagne or champagne flutes??


8 years ago


I need to do a cloud for a 40th birthday pressie. I'd like to do one in the shape of 1975.

Is this possible?? How can I do this??

Thanks in advance

N x

8 years ago


Does anyone have any nice pics I could use for any of the marvel characters or avenger characters...... Especially captain America, hulk & spiderman


8 years ago


Does anyone have a good pic of a ballet slipper that I could upload??

All of the images that in trying aren't working very well!!


Nats x