All posts created by kirstycampbell

7 years ago
Hi, I've deleted the clouds now however did take pictures. I can attatch them if you tell me how?
7 years ago
Hi,when editing it appears that words are not being incorporated and instead are overlapping existing words that are already embedded within the design. Please help this is causing major problems. Thank You1
8 years ago
Hi Alex, would it be possible to add a function to allow a specific word within a design to be replaced without re visualizing and changing the layout of the remainder of the words/design?

As an example, changing the 2015 in your Christmas tree design to 2016 without altering anything else?


9 years ago
All fixed, thank you!
And thank you for all of your hard work. I'm glad you now have a financial structure in place that should see you reap the rewards of your hard work, its well
9 years ago
I have the same error, I can't open or save any clouds smile
9 years ago
I have the same error, I can't open or save any clouds smile
9 years ago
I have the same error, I can't open or save any clouds smile
10 years ago

Hi Alex, I'm having the same problem too with the same error message. It was working fine this time yesterday but now I can't save anything.

10 years ago

Can anyone recommend some sites for downloading images that I can then upload to make new clouds? I would also like to be able to upload some numbers too is anyone can help? x

10 years ago

Thanks Alex, much appreciated : )