All posts created by kellie_mcmahon

9 years ago
Hi Alex, thank you and yes it is all ok now.
9 years ago
Hi Alex, this is happening in anew cloud that I started today. I tried visualising a second time and no the selected words do not stay in tact. The gaps get filled in but the selected words all move in position and size too.
9 years ago
Hi, when I previously used the edit mode to manually resize and move individual words to where I wanted them to be, as long as they were selected and had the box around them they stayed in the exact position when I visualised the cloud so that the rest of the words adjusted to the new layout. Now when I use edit mode to resize and move words I am left with spaces from where the words were originally. If I visualise the cloud then ALL of the words move and change size even the ones that are selected. Please help.
9 years ago

Hi, I am trying to save my cloud to my iMac. when I click the 1mp option my cloud displays in full in another window but I can't seem to do anything with it to say where I want to save it. Any advice please?

9 years ago

Hi, when I try to print to my own printer all I can see in the preview is a small blue box with a question mark in it and this is what prints. How do I print my actual cloud?