All posts created by huttarl

14 years ago

P.S. Inspired by this, I made a couple of versions of a tagul for my delicious tags (click).

However I don't have it rebuild every 12 hours. I guess for that you need a Yahoo ID and use their https interface?

I agree, it would be great for Alex to provide this as an option the Core options so that anyone could use it, without programming. Maybe also digg, etc. Seems like a lot of people would use it in their blogs or social sites.

14 years ago

To see the difference, look at the 2nd and 3rd Taguls here.

Doesn't the one with logarithmic scaling look much nicer, and more legible?

In this case I did the logarithmic scaling myself, before giving the tag/weight data to Tagul. But that means another case where we must use API and therefore cut off options like "rebuild every ...". It's also a job that requires a programmer, cutting off much of your audience.

14 years ago

Sometimes the really big tags over-dominate the small ones. So you'd like to make the size difference more subtle.

It would be nice to have an option for logarithmic scale (instead of linear)... size of letters is proportional to log(weight).

14 years ago

Cool! Thanks for sharing.
I'd like to be able to do that easily with my delicious tags too.

14 years ago

I experimented with converting another tag cloud (see here) to use Tagul instead. All the URLs were of the form "/Topics/tabid/66/Default.aspx?topic-id=26" etc. I.e. relative to the current host. That of course means that you could do some useful things like using the tag cloud on different portals w/o changing the URLs. In Tagul I couldn't do that. Not a big deal in this case, but it was a pain to have to change all our URLs to fit Tagul.

Also, if you don't allow https, you disallow intranet (enterprise) use.

What's the benefit in limiting your URLs?

14 years ago

via a link from Wordookie

14 years ago

Thanks for a cool app!
I have often wished the technology of wordles was more widespread.

One of the things that I think contributed vastly to the popularity of wordles was the shared space to display your creations. This got people building off each other's excitement -- "Ooh, neat idea, I'd like to try it with a different twist..."

I thought there would be a place like that on but I don't see it. I think it would boost interest a great deal. "Hmm, he did that for this kind of web site? That could be useful for mine..."

You say in the FAQ that taguls are already public, so I don't see any problem with listing them in a shared space (which you host). You could however offer people a checkbox so they can choose whether to have their taguls listed in the shared space. It would also give people a chance to give their web site some exposure, which would in turn motivate them to create taguls and tell people about them.

Right now I've created a sample tagul and I want to tell the web designer of our org's web site about it, but I don't have an easy way to show it to him.