
Thank you for this great tool and sorry if this is duplication - am finding searching the forum to be difficult.

I am trying to make an image that will fit a 12x15in frame. I'm limited to a lowish resolution image that I cropped from a linked-in photo. However, in the editor with all the effects applied, the image looks pretty solid. So here are my questions:

1. Will an initially low-res image, processed through wordart, and downloaded through UHD option, produce a high-resolution final image? Or will it be upper-bounded by the initial image resolution? (update: bought the high res download and it's like 22MP woot)

2. The final UHD image is W=5897 x H=5425px, or aspect ratio of W/H = 1.08. This is pretty close to either a 4:5 or 1:1 aspect ratio. Looking at a size guide, thinking 16x16in may be optimal. But this is ratio of exactly 1. Should I crop the image to have this exact size before it's printed? Can word art help with this? Or if Fedex required it be 4:3, how can I do that?

3. Are UHD Jpeg image sizes generally smaller than PNG? Fedex online may cap image size a 15MB or something and the UHD png is 22MB - any tips here?

4. How can I submit to a gallery? Really happy with how this is turning out and there's a nice story behind it.

5. Did word art add a small white border to the image, or is that my PNG viewer program? If the former, can it be removed?
Edited 11 Dec, 2022 22:13