# 9 years ago | |
Hi alex, the problem is, that when I save the cloud, all fonts in specific words are also randomized again! I added all the fonts already, but as I told when I make the setup in the words and press visualize everything falls back to randomize Best regards |
# 9 years ago | |
HI there is some problem, I add some specific font. Any Idea what I can do? Best regards |
# 9 years ago | |
Hi there, Thanks for your help |
# 9 years ago | |
Can you please add the font Garamond, its free. Thank you very much |
# 10 years ago | |
is there a font which support hebrew letters? Best regards |
# 10 years ago | |
Hi there I want to do a word cloud in which all the words have the same size, there should be no word be bigger than another. Is that possible? Best regards |
# 10 years ago | |
It would be nice if "pro" users could add any free font they want. Best regards |
# 10 years ago | |
Hi there, Greetz |
# 10 years ago | |
Is it possible to create a cloud with a 3d efect. like this one: http://t1.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/55/85/34/400_F_55853481_whnfe6lFaG9ObD7XWR5MqkjRB2wMCPhz.jpg That would be really nice Greetz |
# 10 years ago | |
Hi there, can you please add this two fonts: |