All posts created by hansw23

9 years ago

Hi alex, the problem is, that when I save the cloud, all fonts in specific words are also randomized again!
the word clouds name is: gallo4pinto
I want all the green words in Baskerville Old Face
the red words in Arial Black
the orange one in Calibri Body Bold
and the words Puente Villa Bonita in Berlin Sans FB font

I added all the fonts already, but as I told when I make the setup in the words and press visualize everything falls back to randomize

Best regards

9 years ago

HI there is some problem, I add some specific font.
When I set some different words in that different fonts (which I added)and the rest of the word art in a font which is already there.
Everytime when I click "visualize" the words for which I choose this new font are falling back to randomize and all words in the word cloud shown up int the font which I choose for the whole cloud.
When I choose a font for some words from the fonts which are already there its working.

Any Idea what I can do?

Best regards

9 years ago

Hi there,
I have a shape in Orange and white words and I need it in a vector file to print it an a black shirt, is it possible to make the word cloud out of orange and white? How?
Because always i want to do out tagul use the white as the background.

Thanks for your help

10 years ago

Can you please add the font Garamond, its free.

Thank you very much

10 years ago

is there a font which support hebrew letters?

Best regards

10 years ago

Hi there

I want to do a word cloud in which all the words have the same size, there should be no word be bigger than another. Is that possible?
How can i do it?

Best regards

10 years ago

It would be nice if "pro" users could add any free font they want.

Best regards

10 years ago

Hi there,
when I create a cloud with as example a black background and vector file, the background is gone when I open the svg vector file in inkscape?
Does anyone now what`s the reason for it? or how i can fix it?


10 years ago

Is it possible to create a cloud with a 3d efect. like this one:

That would be really nice


10 years ago

Hi there, can you please add this two fonts:
Thank you
Best regards