All posts created by dbaxter2709

7 years ago
For example - I am jsut coming to the end of my 1 month unlimited plan. Could I just pay the extra $40 and upgrade to the 3 month unlimited package - or would I need to pay for the whole $79 for a further 3 months?
7 years ago

My next question relates to pricing.

Say I pay for the 10 downloads at 15.99 but then decide I need more. Can I upgrade to the 33.99 package or the unlimited package and get more - and just pay the difference - or do I have to buy the whole new pack again?
7 years ago
Hi Everyone.
Just wondering if you had any advice on changing colours in edit mode. I am able to change the colour of certain words - but not all words - especially the really small ones and this is causing problems with a number of my images.

Any help welcomed.
7 years ago
Sorry, ** Am I able to Delete words from their place in the picture? **
7 years ago
Hi. Just wanted to follow up on this if I may.
In edit mode, once the image is 'visualised' am I am to delete words their place in the picture?
8 years ago
Hi Alex.
Thanks for taking the time to get back to me. The cloud I've been doing recently is called TonyAdamsCup.Black - but also TonyAdams.Black.2

If I could get a steer on soem basic settings for improving the details - and making the people recognizable, I could really get the portfolio moving and do some more downloading.

My plan is to get things printed in UK A4 and A3 - so I'm guessing I'll need a certain type of download for this to work?

Thanks again.

8 years ago
Hi guys.
Thanks for your help with my last query. it was really useful and appreciated.

I'm working on a new project using a photo of someone and I want to fill it with words relating to that person. So far, it looks OK but I'm missing details from the persons face that would make it look so much better.

Is there a general rule on initial picture settings to get this effect - or does it relate to original size of image (both resolution & canvas size).

Feel free to take a look at my image if that helps?

Thanks in advance,

8 years ago
Hi there. I've produced a cloud with names in it and some of those names have accents over the letter 'e'. These don't appear in the cloud once its visualised. Is there a certain font I need to use to get around this at all?

And what is stemming?


8 years ago
Hi. I'm loving this site although still getting to grips with it. I'm wondering if there is a way of telling a story using the words. For example, I have a picture of Little Miss Sunshine as a shape. I want to put the whole story, in order, within the shape. Is there a way of doing this at all?