All posts created by dave.mcgrath

9 years ago
I see are your prices realeased final?
They are still very high and a huge increase in your previous prices. Have your overheads gone up that much?
9 years ago
So for £99 a year you get 120 downloads every month? For 12 months so a total of
But limited to 120 every month?
Sorry just want to be clear!
9 years ago
Is the price for yearly meen 100 a month or 100 for the year?
9 years ago
£89 a month is still a ridiculous price!
9 years ago
Just done some maths, the three months unlimited price has increased by over 600%! How is that a fair price increase???smile
9 years ago
Prices still ridiculously high, surely you would rather have customers than not!
As most on here are using it for business, we don't make huge profits, I appreciate you are running a business to but to increase so hugely is not the best way for anyone surely! The reason we use your sight is because it is an amazing website, and I'm sure you know this, but don't become greedy and bully people out! A a small increase is fair, exploitation is not! Even the unlimited prices and long term is high, £500 for a year! Who has that kinda cash to use!! Alex keep it real slow and steady wins the race! Your not British Gas!!
9 years ago
Ok thank you Alex. smile
9 years ago
When you say later do you meen today or later this week?
Thank you for listen ending to our feedback. Certainly pricing looks better.
9 years ago
Like most I am a small business, I still feel the price increases are way to hi, even $89 a month for me would see no profit in fact even a loss! Loyalty and smaller profit but consistent or biger profit for a shorter period or none at all! I guess is the question Alex!
9 years ago
Click the link below it to purchase licences, you don't purchase but is knows you have an account and let's you download it.