All posts created by cori.nelson

6 years ago
Hi again, Alex,

I've embedded one of my clouds on a web page, however, there's a big gap of empty space above it. Is there any way to reduce this gap via the code?
Thank you!

6 years ago
Thank you, Alex… Re: downloads…How is a SVG or an EPS file useful?

6 years ago
HI Alex, Which format option would be the best to download if I want to enlarge my word cloud and print it A3 size?

6 years ago
N.B. I actually just worked it out…the manual option to add links wasn't saving… I've worked around this by adding the web page link in the pattern box, and this worked. Cori
6 years ago
HI Alex, I have the correct link to a web page listed in the far right column of one of my words as required. However, clicking on that word in the cloud only opens another page in wordart with the same cloud on it and doesn't go to the desired web page.

Please advise.