You know, honestly … I don't really use this site much, so for me to do the $10 for 10 download thing … I would end up paying $10 for one download thanks to it expiring in a month … where as I would probably load up a few downloads if they didn't expire. People complain about the price increase, I think it's fine … I just don't have a use for a per download payment that expires in 30 days. 3 months doesn't change it out there. and honestly, even if there was a full year, it doesn't really make sense to do a full year or even 3 months in advance since it's still the same rate month to month for 12 months as it is 12 months in advance (both cost and downloads) … I would reference stock art sites. (or any subscription model really) where they have a set purchase plan (x credits or downloads for y price, expires in a year) generally about 25% higher than a subscription download for a month per image. then you have subscription, and the subscription would have a 1 month price, the 3 month price and the 12 month price (all billable in advance) so you pay more month to month, but it's less if you buy a 3 month plan, and less even for 12 month (when broken down month to month) That is the basic stock art site plans and they all do it and excel at it. just a suggestion. I mean, if it didn't expire for a year, I would probably pay $15 or so for 10 downloads to get stuff for my customers when they need it.