All posts created by anaya.palay

9 years ago

I have the same problem - I am unable to add question marks or exclamation marks, as least in all the fonts I've tried. And I would like to.

9 years ago

I made my word art (this is the most awesome program for this, I tried about five others) and then hit the button at the bottom to turn my art into a product. I then clicked on "poster" which took me to Zazzle, where I got this message:

"We can't move forward 'til you fix the errors below:

This product contains some images which have been made larger than their original sizes and may be blurry or pixelated when your product is produced."

I am trying to make a 12x12 poster.

What should I do about this? Do I need to download it to my computer and convert it to another format or something?

Thanks so much for the help!!