All posts created by Pawzandclawz08

7 years ago
Let me start by saying I am using the hand shape. I want to create the 5 hand shape but using different names in each hand(Christmas gift). However after buying the 5 hand shapes and trying to create the 5 hand shape in the circle I noticed the the words for the two bottom hands in the circle have the words upside down. I was wondering if there is a way to rotate the shapes so when I go to add the words they will be in the right orientation for me. Or do I have to rotate every word in the cloud. The problem with that is I have to buy it first then rotate it in PS to where I need it and the words might not be right still. Basically the 2 clouds I bought I can not use and it seems there is no way to fix the problem I am having.
7 years ago
If I just want to create a word cloud then go have it printed out at say walmart do I need to purchase a HQ file. The print is going to be a gift for Christmas.
7 years ago
Is there a way to change the shape of the image. Right now they are square. Is it possible to change the dimensions? Like for instance I was going to make a Facebook cover photo using cloud art. But the downloaded shape is square.
8 years ago
Yes I have changed the transparency but when I set it to maximum it is a blueish color. I was wondering if there was a way to change that color? Or maybe a future feature.
8 years ago
Is there a way to change the shape transparency when adjusted all the way up to maximum? I noticed it was a bluish color. But I don't see any way to change it. Would love to be able to change it.
8 years ago
I noticed some of the shapes you have bring up the setting and customize menu but not all. Can we get all of them to customize. So they can be inverted. I posted a question and this kinda answers it but looks like it is only for uploaded shapes you can customize.
8 years ago
Is there a way to invert it. Say like the double swirly heart has the words in the heart. What about inverting it so the words are on the outside of the heart, but the double heart shape is inside the words and transparent or white.