All posts created by Alex

13 years ago

When you set up the link pattern you should re-fetch your tags and re-build your cloud. To check whether everything is OK you can click on your cloud tags in the finalize tab.

13 years ago

You are right. Currently all words less than 4 letters are cut off.
You can use api mode then all your words will be shown.

13 years ago


currently only cloud, heart, star, triangle, pentagram, circle and rectangle shapes are available on Tagul web site.

Any custom shape can be done via API

13 years ago

I've checked your cloud and it seems ok. Please find the below code that works fine for me.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <title>My cloud</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

        <script type="text/javascript"

        <script type="text/javascript">
            swfobject.embedSWF("", "myCloud",
              "600", "600", "10.0.0", "",
              {id: "18386@1"}, {allowscriptaccess: "always"});

        <div id="myCloud">
            <p><a href="">
                  alt="Get Adobe Flash player" />

13 years ago

It looks like you didn't save your cloud or there is some mistake in your embedding code. Could you please send me the embedding code you use and I'll check it.

13 years ago

I doubt that any font used in Tagul contain Chinese characters. If you know some good free Chinese fonts please advise

13 years ago

Your xml is malformed. I've deleted redundant "</tags>" substrings. Here is the correct xml:

<tag angle="0"
font="Linux Libertine Regular"
<tag url="" weight="18"> collocation </tag>
<tag url="" weight="7"> oxymoron</tag>
<tag url="" weight="23"> simile </tag>
<tag url="" weight="21"> hyperbole</tag>
<tag url="" weight="12"> elision </tag>
<tag url="" weight="7"> homophone</tag>
<tag url="" weight="23"> neologism</tag>
<tag url="" weight="21">idiom </tag>
<tag url="" weight="7">modal</tag>
<tag url="" weight="23">rhetoric</tag>
<tag url="" weight="21"> onomatopoeia</tag>
<tag url="" weight="7"> premodifier</tag>
<tag url="" weight="23">traductio</tag>
<tag url="" weight="21"> colloquial</tag>
<tag url="" weight="7"> parallelism</tag>
<tag url="" weight="23"> vernacular</tag>
<tag url="" weight="21">w metaphor</tag>
<tag url="" weight="7"> tautology </tag>
<tag url="" weight="23"> imperative </tag>
<tag url="" weight="21"> declarative</tag>
<tag url="" weight="7"> litotes </tag>
<tag url="" weight="23"> determiner </tag>
<tag url="" weight="21"> ellipsis</tag>
<tag url="" weight="7"> epizeuxis </tag>
<tag url="" weight="23"> framework</tag>
<tag url="" weight="21"> archaic</tag>
<tag url="" weight="7"> homonym</tag>
<tag url="" weight="23">prefix </tag>
<tag url="" weight="21"> register</tag>
<tag url="" weight="7"> syntax</tag>
<tag url="" weight="23"> audience</tag>
<tag url="" weight="21"> suffix </tag>
<tag url="" weight="7">c synonym </tag>
<tag url="" weight="23"> lexis </tag>
<tag url="" weight="21"> purpose </tag>
<tag url="" weight="7"> superlative </tag>
<tag url="" weight="23"> postmodifier</tag>
<tag url="" weight="21"> tone</tag>
<tag url="" weight="7"> manner</tag>
<tag url="" weight="23">prosodics</tag>

13 years ago

joranelias, there is a problem with clearing your browsers cache when your clouds are hosted on my partner's cdn (softlayer). I cannot control its cache headers. There is way to eliminate this problem by hosting cloud file and flash swf renderer yourself. Then you can control your cache headers. You can explore this example to see how to host and embed the cloud yourself.

13 years ago

You can use this html example as a correct template.

13 years ago

Could you please provide some details about your mistake? What do you do and what you exactly see on your site? Could you please provide a link?