Updated cloud

14 years ago

I have updated my cloud in Tagul, but this is not flowing through to my wiki. I used the SWfObject method. What do I need to do to get the cloud updated to the new version?

14 years ago

If you face with troubles try using default method by embedding through object tag. You can find code on the Finalize tab of your cloud.

If it works than you can try swfobject. Please post your swfobject embedding code to get help.

14 years ago

I am having this same problem. I updated my cloud a few hours ago, but the changes have not gone through to my embedded version. I have used the object tag method of embedding. Here's the code:

<object width="250" height="175" data="http://cdn.tagul.com/cloud.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
<param name="data" value="http://cdn.tagul.com/cloud.swf" />
<param name="flashvars" value="id=8441@1" />
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />
<param name="swfversion" value="10" />
<param name="expressinstall" value="http://cdn.tagul.com/expressInstall.swf" />
<param name="src" value="http://cdn.tagul.com/cloud.swf" />

14 years ago

Try clearing you browser's cache (like ctrl-f5 in firefox completely reloads a page without using cache).

13 years ago

we're also seeing this problem here - we've updated the cloud settings on tagul several times recently, adding more black listed words etc - and we also update the pages that we are using to build the cloud from daily. However, we often see that the cloud itself does not update on peoples machines here and the only way to get it to update to the latest settings is to manually clear the cache on those machines.

As our cloud is being built from a collection of articles on our site that we add to each day we'd really like to be sure that it's being rebuilt for everyone viewing the site as and when we update our content (or at the very least once per day when they visit the site)

Can you clarify when and how the cloud is updated for someone viewing it and what might cause a machine to permanently fail to update a cached copy of the cloud?

Currently to us it appears as if the cloud is only built the first time it is viewed and then the cache has to be deleted by the user if they want to force an update?

13 years ago

I'm also noticing this problem with the updating feature of the tag clouds. Namely, in order for the updated tag cloud to appear, the browser's cache must be emptied. Otherwise, you'll simply see the same, cached, tag cloud forever.

13 years ago

Well, I've given up and abandoned Tagul, since I haven't been able to fix the problem discussed in this thread.

13 years ago

joranelias, there is a problem with clearing your browsers cache when your clouds are hosted on my partner's cdn (softlayer). I cannot control its cache headers. There is way to eliminate this problem by hosting cloud file and flash swf renderer yourself. Then you can control your cache headers. You can explore this example to see how to host and embed the cloud yourself.

12 years ago

Foremost, thank you to Tagul for its cute widget… but I’d like in my blog this embed tags cloud update automatically with new updated list as I post an other new message online blog.
Isn’t it possible?
My blog : http://patrickbesset.blogspot.com

12 years ago

Hi Patrick,

It is only possible with API.

Best regards,


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