Fixed words moving

7 years ago
Hi Alex, has something changed again recently? Clouds I use all the time that have certain words in the same fixed position are now moving when I make a change to other words and visualise? smile
7 years ago
Could you please advise the word art name, so I could check?
7 years ago
Hi Alex, an example of fixed words moving is TEST1Alex. Normally when I change the name and visualise a couple of times the heart and quote would not move but they are now. Not always the quote but always the heart, thanks smile Will send example of the second problem shortly smile
7 years ago
Hi Alex the other one where words change order in the table is TEST2Alex, if you add a word to the bottom and visualise, you will see the words change order, thanks in advance smile
7 years ago
Hi, Yes it's been happening to me too, it keeps changing the order i put them in
7 years ago
The fix for the issues has been just released. Could you please try again? Please note that the words with bigger sizes will be automatically placed on top of the list after visualization. All other words positions should be intact.
Edited 01 Jun, 2017 14:30
7 years ago
All good now Alex, thank you smile


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