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6 years ago
Thanks for this. The printer now tells me that if I have PDF whose page size is 8 1/2 x 11" (found under properties) it will blow up well. If I were to download a PDF from here, do you know what the page size would be?
6 years ago
Is there a way to make sure that there is a margin around the word cloud so that none of it would be cut off by a frame?

Thanks, Alex, for all your prompt and helpful responses! smile
6 years ago
I'd like to print a word cloud as a 2'x3'poster. Is the 32MP jpeg high enough resolution for that? I read from FAQs that to print a 4"x6" you need to choose the square geometric shape and then adjust the aspect ratio. Is there a way to print a 0.67 aspect ratio with the word cloud being a different shape?